Safety Baler for Kitchen Benchtop
MODEL 6000
A very small compactor baler to help cafes and kitchens reduce waste volume
Install on a benchtop in the kitchen or outside
20 inches wide x 24 inches deep, 500mm wide x 600mm deep
Runs on compressed air – no electric motor, no hydraulic oil
Crush and bale
Plastic containers to one gallon or 5L
- milk bottles / jugs / cartons, cream, yogurt, water, cooking oil, sauce
Convert 10 garbage cans of plastics into 1
Crush only
Steel food cans, #10 steel cans, aluminum drink cans
Convert 5 garbage cans of steel food cans into 1
Door is locked when crush plate is engaged
Door only opens when crush plate is at rest in its starting position
Small bale size only 7 lb to 12 lb or 3kg to 5kg
Tie the bale side to side while door is locked – no chance operator can tangle with a moving crush plate
Cycle time 7 seconds under no load
Less than 10 seconds to crush and remove a steel catering can, eg #10 steel can
Crushed plastic is restrained so operator can reload more each cycle
Load restraints allow operators to load cumulatively, crush only when full
Tie bale with only one strap in less than a minute
There is no limit to how long you can use the baler
Use it continuously all day, unlike other systems that need to cool down after some minutes of use
Treat the baler like a garbage can and add waste cumulatively during the day
Space required
20 inches wide x 24 inches deep x 54 inches high
500mm wide x 600mm deep x 1375mm high
Weighs 310 lb, 140 kg
Two models
Safety Baler 6000SS – baler is built in grade 304 stainless steel + aluminum pneumatic cylinder
Safety Baler 6000PC – baler is built in steel, powdercoated + aluminum pneumatic cylinder